Over the years I have managed to wear out my first Harrison small changing tent, and now my larger Harrison tent has gone all sticky and gooey. Mainly I suspect as I haven't really used it since the end of 2019 when Covid hit. We have a trip coming up and will be on the road for an unspecified time and as we are self contained in a truck with a camper on the tray and will be literally in deserts, film changing will be done with the tent on our bed.

Upon perusal of the available products, there is the Harrison tent, which I found out was patented by Patricia L Harrison and granted on May the 28th of 1991. Her tent is wonderful, but quite pricey and as usage is only on trips, possibly two to three a year, I've looked at cheaper alternatives.

One that caught my eye was the eTone branded tent, which is 500mm cubed. Tight, but as I'm only using 4x5 film holders, doable.

Peoples thoughts would be appreciated.
