I have an old Schneider-Kreuznach Symmar 210mm (the one that's convertible to a 370mm by removing the front element), and I could trade it in for a Rodenstock Sironar 210mm. Note: This is *not* the Sironar-N, or Sironar-S or the more recent APO Sironar, but the older one that is apparently just "Rodenstock Sironar".

I'm wondering if I can expect a difference in quality by making the trade or if I shouldn't bother. I think both lens are roughly from the same period (somewhere in the 70s?). I'd probably end up paying a small fee to make the trade and I'm pretty satisfied with my current lens so I'd really only make the trade if the Rodenstock is clearly a better lens.

Any help would be appreciated!