Many LF users are educators, (I being a former one) have had close ties to universities & perhaps teach at one currently or teach photographic workshops. A long term goal of mine since 1976 has been to "reenter academia" at my alma mater, in the photo dept which has come about just recently. I'm in my "Golden Years" of retirement. My aim to reengage in academia has been on going with my last attempt in 2008 when enrolled full time at a local college, I had to withdraw due to the economic downturn of the national economy. Of recent I now have a university professor of photo advising me, giving me assignments, readings and such as an "alumni student" on line; the professor acting's as my personal "mentor" which I am enjoying immensely.

Many of my peers, retired in their golden years, are currently playing--skiing, golfing, fishing, traveling and such. Although, I "play", I consider myself a "photographer" and as such, I lead a "photographic life".

I might be considered an "odd duck" as another mentor has called me, but for those who are engaged in "academia", what might be your take on the above--ie, continued education as a goal, immersion in academia, possible a "honorary degree". I could, as an alternative, immerse myself in specific photo workshops, but I identify with the ancient Greek concept of the rounded out "citizen"--Socrates, Aristotle et al.

( I did receive a BS degree in 1967- immediately engaged in post grad work which was never completed due to the draft of '68--Viet Nam)

Your thoughts, take on this matter--thank you