i managed to find quite a nice deal on set of the Nikkor T-ED lenses, 800 & 1200mm rear element sets.
I currently have a Gibellini ACN810, which I believe has a bellows extension of +/-600mm.
I sort of purchased the lens on impulse as they're quite hard to find in my experience and I knew I'd regret letting a nearly complete set slip by, so here we are.

My main concern is, I can't find the specs for the focus at infinity for either rear element and I'm worried I now may be facing a cross-country trip with a lens I cant use without buying a new camera or modifying my Gibellini in some way which I doubt Alessandro recommends. I preemptively ordered the Copal 3 lens board as well so it would be here around the same time as the lens so at least there's that.

However until the lens is here in person I'm at a stopping point on planning for this trip on terms of locations to visit.