After various trials and errors regarding Ilford ID11 stock solution to water ratios I settled on 1:4 and 28-30 minutes at 20-23ish degrees C. My question concerns agitation times. Is it true that the whites develop first, then the greys and ending with the blacks? I have gone down to agitating six seconds with one and a half minute breaks for the first five minutes then agitating 10 seconds every 1.5 minutes for the remaining 23-25 minutes. My greys are awesome in tonal range but i still seem to be blowing out the whites. The detail is there, in the whites when i reduce contrast in Photoshop but i'd rather get it right before making prints with the enlarger. I use a 4x5 Graflex speed graphic with an aposironar and Ilford FP4 film and flash at about 1.5 m from the subject.