I turned 78 last July and I think I am speeding up, not slowing down. Just bought a 95 Land Rover Defender 90 300tdi (my first diesel motored vehicle) that will tow my Airstream Basecamp 16X next year when Airstream finally builds it. Looked under the Defender and it looks just like my 1991 RRC (Range Rover Classic) so I can fix most things other than the diesel motor, just like I have done building the Tomcat from the 1991 RRC the last few years. The Defender has plenty of room for most all of my photographic tools and even a few clothes etc. Collecting a few travel essentials like alpaca socks and bamboo/cotton towels to wipe my face when the lack of A/C proves too much. Maybe I should plan my world tour for hot countries in the winter and cold countries in the summer and let Fall and Spring take care of themselves - who needs A/C anyway.