Quote Originally Posted by r.e. View Post

I think that the issue is pretty clear from the exchange with Oren above. The only place to discuss the cameras and image capture devices you mention is The Lounge, although there is one category in the forum proper where images can be posted. There are no other available categories. The only reason that Cornish's video wasn't sent to The Lounge, along with the other five posts, is that he mostly talks in the video about his approach to taking the image. Note that the thread also discussed an in-camera stitching method that didn't even exist when these "rules" were apparently adopted almost nine years ago.
You keep putting a time frame on this decision (9 years in this case) and relating it to models of iPhone in a previous post, why? What do iPhones have to do with a large format camera? Large format photography has been what it is for a very long time. What your promoting is digital capture plain and simple, not large format photography. Film is film and pixels are pixels. The later has its place, just not here.