It all depends on what you want to take images of - and how you are taking those images. I would look for a camera that handles the lenses that you want to use - (they generally run from 47mm to 450mm or 600mm for 4x5) Do you need a bag bellows for wide angle lenses (some cameras have them some don't). If using a long lens do you have a long enough bellows on the camera? Does weight and size matter? does it fold up well? how far are you going carry the camera? it is a systems camera - are there added accessories that you might want to use now or in the future? Is the camera able to be hand-held (as maltfalc says above). It does come down to what you are taking photographs of, on or off the tripod and how much you want to carry and its weight. I have very heavy 8x10 equipment - it stays within a few hundred yards of the car. My 4x5 equipment is in a pack-sack and can travel with me further. My 4x5 camera is always on a tripod. There are many very fine 4x5 cameras made, new and used. Only you can select what fits your needs. You need to handle them to see how you work with them - and what feels right to you. They are all different tools.