Some of the small, inexpensive LED flashlights have gotten sufficiently powerful that I have ordered a couple to use as accent lights in interior location portraiture. They can be focused from flood to spot, and a little selection of light diffusion materials can round out the package. I have been trying to stick to natural lighting, but there are settings in which just a bit more shaping could help a lot, but a reflector won't do it. (I have an eye on the SmallRig 120 daylight, but that's a heftier price tag, another bulky package, and far more power than I need for this.)

But now I'll need to be able to aim them and have them stay put. If I can get away with one of my old bare aluminum 6' PIC stands (remember them?), I will, though I have a variety of stands from my pro days, up to 14 feet. Just trying to travel light. The top extension of the PIC is only about 5/16" in diameter. I need a device -- the lighter the better -- to clamp onto, or slide securely over, that and hold the flashlight at any chosen, finely adjusted angle. Maybe some way to attach a suitable hose clamp to the stand via a rotating widget? Or maybe some PVC pipe assemblage?

I'm a worse-than-terrible builder; I know some of you creative folks will have some elegant solution that even I can assemble. I can potentially get some help from a friend if needed.

Thank you in advance for you imaginative expertise.