Nope. No day labor. It was Sasha himself and his two top lab assistants - worth what combined per hr? $$$$$$$, plus a friend of mine who owned an entire redeveloped block of Emeryville, and a contractor neighbor with a big truck. Sasha paid his key people highly and never did use any day labor. I've seen him run a jackhammer himself by day, then return to his huge deluxe studio in the evening for a gourmet food shoot. He's is still at it in his late 70's, stubborn as heck (two heart attacks); he obviously doesn't need more money or property, but it keeps him going. He made a hard science out of hard work, and still enjoys it.

Nearly all the day labor was gone along Hearst by then. There was a big Fed roundup of illegals under Obama, and few ever came back to the Hearst corridor, hung out elsewhere.