(This is mainly for fun.)

So, I bought a Nikkor-W 135mm f5.6 in a nice clean Copal #0 shutter at a swap meet. I didn't realize until I got home that the aperture markings are F9-F90, clearly incorrect for this lens. I was young, I thought it was artistic, hopefully I've learned my lesson.

One way to make this right is to take the 135mm lens cells and put them into a shutter with a 135mm-specific aperture scale. But then, what to do with the shutter with the F9-F90 scale? The SK Grimes or DIY scale replacement options don't appeal, and someone somewhere has lens cells which can use this shutter.

So my real question is, how can I figure out what Japanese lens, of unknown focal length, came in a Copal #0 with a F9-F90 aperture scale? I say Japanese because the actual aperture scale plate is marked '27' and 'Made in Japan'. I have not been able to find a reference to that '27' code.

Thanks in advance for any ideas or clues.