dbla - I should probably shut up, since most people know I don't use heads at all with view cameras, which is in fact the most stable, least weight, and least costly option of them all (I should patent it). But I do have one of the old Bogen-Manfrotto monster heads repurposed to the copy stand, which definitely weighs quite a MORE than my 4X5 field camera.

Rated weight capacities mean nothing. Everything depends on specific torque vectors. Gotta test em with your own camera, preferably at max bellow extension with your heaviest long lens in place. Any wobble at all equals an F in my grade book, or maybe an F+ if I'm in a good mood that day. It just like ladders. A ladder dead weight rating of 250 pounds means nothing if it outright topples over instead of buckling under an extra ounce, making a 250 lb person literally dead anyway. There are all kinds of deceptive marketing practices and loopholes to game that kind of thing.

Last time I was at our local camera store, which has quite a selection of tripods and heads, nearly all of that looked like useless toy stuff to me, especially the Benro. But over on the corner, a good old used Gitzo Series 5 Low-profile pan-tilt head for a hundred bucks - now those could hold a bit.