It’s not quite as outrageous as it seems at first. After all, the top line Linhofs are over 10k now (although they are excellent, and we don’t know if this 20k thing is any good). An 8x10 Ebony would likely be over 10k now if they were in production. And you know, I’ll bet your Phillips thingy would similarly be in the luxury price category if it was still being made.

Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
Bah humbug. Where I grew up we did grow and raise darn near everything we needed. It's was a hour's drive to the nearest sizable market, and that certainly wasn't a supermarket in any current sense.

But this is a camera thread. And a 20K zany Italian camera might indeed make a good hood ornament on a zany paint job Lamborghini. Waste not, recycle everything, whether food or overpriced camera gear.