Tank: JOBO 2005
Film: 5 sheets Ilford FP-4+
Developer: 500ml Tetenal Ultrafin 1:19
Rotation: on a Stark SST4 set in the middle of the "speed-time" dial. Approximately 2.5 alternating rotations every 5 seconds
Pre-Soak: 1 minute minimum
Stop Bath: I use a very, very weak dilution of Kodak Indicator Stop Bath
Pour chemistry: Manually with tank at about a 60 degree tilt. Takes practice, but I am able to fill or drain the tank in about 10 seconds.

My JOBO literature recommends a minimum chemical volume of 270ml to 630ml. I was using less that 500ml, and every now and then got a bit of uneven development. Since increasing the volume to 500ml, I have had no problems with uneven development. With high dilutions of Rodinal, I increased the developer volume to 1,000ml.