Hi all. Super new to large format photography and this is my first post.

I have been shooting 8x10 and as scary as it’s been it’s so fun and I’m loving it. So far I’ve shot outside in the daytime so results have been fine and things are working ok, lots to improve on but getting there.

I have the chance tomorrow to use a strobe light with my photos syncing it with the X socket on my camera. This is all great but I have absolutely no idea what I set my camera lens to settings wise for this. I’ve never done this before with any camera.

I have a copal no.3 Schneider-Kreuzhnach symmar 1:5.6/300 lens and have no instructions or anything for it but really I wondered what do I need to set the f stop and all that to. I am using 80 iso film but how do I know the setting and how do I calculate them?

Any help much appreciated.