I've been thinking about this lately but haven't been able to find a good explanation - stand development is a method of compensating in the highlights as I understand it? When thinking about H&D curves, that means it would lower the highlight portion of the curve and/or accentuate the shoulder? But I'm not sure what that means for, say, CHS ii, which has a notable shoulder already as compared to FP4 (which has a seemingly long straight line - I haven't really seen the shoulder in my own H&D curves) and how that compares to, say, just pulling the film.

Basically I was trying to find some H&D curves for various stand developers, 510-Pyro in particular as compared to standard development and I can't seem to find any when I've looked. I plan on trying this in the next few weeks to see for myself (and I can certainly share those results) but the lack of H&D's out in the wild kinda surprised me given the benefits people mention with stand developing. Knowing how the curve behaves seems like a really useful tool for understanding stand dev?

510 was talked about at length in a recent Sunny 16 podcast and Shoot Film Like a Boss has used it before. Since I've been thinking about Pyrocat-HD for when I move to 8x10 (for alt process and/or contact printing). I figured I should look at 510 too though I haven't found a good explanation of the differences between the two though I've read and seen a lot of folks recommending 510 for stand which seems interesting. As far as stand dev goes, I've done semi-stand development with HC-110 a few times with success. Success being defined by "oh look there's negatives!" and they at least scanned decently (I can't remember if I printed from any or not honestly).

I'm generally pretty happy with my process at this point (using XT-3 Replenished) but the idea of both staining developers and stand seemed interesting as tools in the toolbag as it were.

So long story short, anyone happen to have some H&D curve comparisons worth sharing with semi-stand, stand and optionally using 510?