Hi. Need some wisdom from y’all….

I’m trying to work out a solution for the 115mm Rodenstock lens that uses 82mm filters. I currently have a set of 67mm filters and I’d like to replicate that in 82mm. That includes a yellow #8, deep yellow #15 and a red #25. I also have a Formatt Hitech 100mm holder system.

You’d think it would be easy to replicate that in 82mm world, but im having a heck of a time. I wanted to start with Heliopan. I can find 2 out of 3 of those filters in circular threads, but they are back ordered a kinda too expensive anyway. B+W has two of those but not all and back ordered. Teffin has a few, but not complete. So I stared looking at square filters (4x4) 100mm. Can’t find those either!

If poly-types are good quality, that might open a door. Then there’s resin and gelatin too.

Any suggestions on how to pull this together?
