
Above is link to my twin lens thread, I am enjoying this LF Twin Lens I made from all original Norma parts. Yes the big draw to this is seeing the expression on the ground glass, in a brief "pop" is a major plus on the 6x6 TLRs. Geoff Berliner told me on the phone that there is a 9x9cm TLR Rollei, in the Rollei Musuem in Germany. That would be something. Geoff and I both use the 9x9cm SLR Plaubel Makiflex from the sixties. This is different but just as fun to use, unlike any other camera I have ever used.

Tuned Up Twin Lens Norma 180 Comps by Nokton48, on Flickr

The rear standard on this Norma pair wobbled on the base rail. Following Philip's guide, I loosened the allen screws and reset the friction on the metal plugs that tighten against the rail. Easy to do and now square and solid. Bought another original Norma screen and marked 6x9 and 9x12 frame marks on all my screens using chartpac tape. Then reinstalled the glass in all screen carriers, adding Norma fresnels. So now identical markings completely on top and bottom focus screens and bright and very even viewing using the two Norma Monoculars with Norma Bag Bellows. It's vital that the base tilt create identical focus planes through both cameras, it is quick and easy to do. I reset the rear or front base tilt every time I move the camera. Everything looks sharp and good on the glass and I'm finishing some basic lens pairs. The Plaubel Peco Profia Camera Stand is the best way to get this beast into the proper position.

Lens Pairs for Twin Lens Norma so far by Nokton48, on Flickr

Like a car in an auto body shop, Norma Lens Boards with dozens of holes in some of them, can be plugged with JBWELD and planed and cleaned, the back side dotted with flat black Krylon aerosol paint. The front of the board gets spotted with Benjamin Moore paint I had color matched with a Norma board in the store. Looks pretty good in my opinion. Schneider Norma Twin lens camera pairs shown here. From upper left: 150mm f5.6 Componons, 210mm f5.6 Componons, 240mm f5.6 Componons. From bottom left: 180mm f4.5 Xenars, 240mm f5.6 Sinar Symmars, 300mm f5.6 Componons. This gives me a full range of lenses from 150mm to 300mm with the twin lens camera.

I need more Norma Pan Tilt heads, so I bought one of the Luland units to try. If it works well I will dedicate it to this camera, I'm also dedicating a generic aluminum double tripod plate, that my clockmaker friend made for me decades ago
