There is a spot in the Mojave Desert which I had thought for some time would be a good place to make a photograph. The only catch was that it had to be in the early morning for the light to be right, and I never happened to be there at that time. Leaving Los Angeles at 3 am, I made it to my destination just before sunrise. Imagine my disappointment when after I arrived I found the wind was blowing about 50 MPH! I went ahead and set up my camera thinking I might get a a brief lul to make an exposure. I wasn't having any luck with the wind and to make matters worse, the composition I wanted required the 400 mm telephoto lens which is not forgiving of vibration. At this point I was starting to contemplate the long drive home without a negative to show for it. First I tried moving the car to shield the camera from the wind and then the solution hit me. With a bit of finagling I managed to get the tripod set up in the back seat with a clear view from a partially open back window. After that all I had to do was turn the camera back upside down and remove a locking screw so I could get the negative holder in from the bottom (the roof prevented getting it in from the top). In the end I went home with a sharp negative.