Quote Originally Posted by Doremus Scudder View Post
...There are roll film backs for 4x5 cameras that are 6x7 or 6x9cm; these will allow the use of a larger aperture for the same depth of field, thereby allowing a faster shutter speed, albeit with a smaller negative, and still retaining the advantage of having LF movements to work with. Note that using a shorter focal-length lens and cropping gets you the same result. ...Doremus
That is a little confusing, but I think you mean that using a shorter focal length lens is the key...either using one on a smaller format to get the same view, or on a larger format and cropping.

The common saying is the larger the format, the more depth of field problems one has. Which is true, due to the longer lens required to get the same view one has on a 4x5, on an 8x10, for example. But the saying does cause confusion as it does not reference focal length.