I'm a bit of an outlier in that I am a staff photographer (rare these days, I think) for an antique store (15 years!) and use a 4x5 Sinar with a medium format digital back mounted to it. Actually, there are two of us shooting full time. We are going to start looking at other medium format systems soon though, primarily because our lenses are in Copal shutters and they are getting more difficult to get fixed. I figure another 5 years and we'll be using something like the Fuji GFX or Phase One series. The small amount of perspective corrections we do can now be done in PS without anyone knowing the difference and, with focus stacking, there's really no need to swing and tilt (although I still do it that way when I can). Focus stacking is built into the newer cameras (at least the Phase One brand). I'll be retiring before all this happens if all goes according to plan and whoever the poor bastard is who takes my place will probably never touch the view camera.