Quote Originally Posted by Alan Klein View Post
Isn't that the same as if you bought a used camera privately from me in the US? After all, the UK is like the US or any other non-European country now. They're not in the EU.
Yes Alan it is, acquiring goods from Britain (from a private seller) has now the same VAT-implications as it already had when acquiring goods from a private seller in the US - this was only (for some time) escaped by the 'as a gift' rule. Since that rule is banned, there are - I guess - less sales from the US to European private customers.

Quote Originally Posted by Alan Klein View Post
Curious. Why is there a VAT add on with a private item when importing into the EU now when there wasn't for private items before. Doesn't VAT have to do with original sales and manufacturing?
...since Brexit has come into force as of 1/1 2021...

Further all goods imported into the EU are treated the same if there is no trade convention with the other (third) state to overcome these duties...

Guess there is not made a distinction between origine of sales, since in most cases that wouldn't be practical and could lead to tax evasion. Further there is protection of the common market as one of the main EU principles.

How is this in the US > some states levy sales tax on imports isn't it