Using a very similar process, but a Nikon D750 (only 24MP), a Kaiser RS-1 copy stand (used it was cheap and reasonable), and Negative Supply's acrylic "glass" rather than anti-Newton ring glass (tried and it never seemed to be as newton ring free as it should have been), and similar settings for exposure. Haven't done wet scans for 4X5 although that'd be a step up. I've been using Negative Supply's holders for smaller formats (120 and 35mm) and find they do a great job. For my purposes, I'm waiting for Nikon to upgrade their mirrorless to give us stitching... so I can follow Sandy King's approach there. But I'm happy enough for now that 1 shot at 24mp does what I need. Upgrade will weigh between a Nikon Zx-something vs. outsourcing drum scans for the "best" images every now and then.

Thanks for posting this! Great work and nice to see a similar set up. Everyone's "shares" here are a step ahead for all of us. THank you! and keep up the good work.