Totally with you on the blind tests with chemicals and darkroom materials. Those would be very sobering for a lot of people (if they accepted the results )

However I’m not sure I agree with the silver/inkjet comparison. I know in my case, coming from an analog/darkroom background, as I am just starting to look into hybrid techniques the idea isn’t to get an inkjet print that matches the silver print, but rather to possibly go beyond what can be done in the darkroom.

My two cents.

Quote Originally Posted by sperdynamite View Post
I've always been satisfied with the Epson HD ink sets and ABW. Beautiful prints are made every day with that technology, it would take a lot to convince me to make the switch. Frankly I could make a contact print on silver paper, and an ABW print, do a blind test with 10 people, and you'd get 10 different answers.

Factoring that in mind, you should simply enjoy the process more than anything IMHO. There are differences in every print making technique, only commercial press people (or those who choose to do so) need to really go nuts with costly monitors and spectrometers. Let it be an art and a science, and enjoy it. I'm sure everyone who makes Piezography (can we agree this needs a re-name/re-brand?) prefers their Piezography prints. I'm also sure that I would prefer my own darkroom prints to my ABW prints, because I just like analog.

But those blind tests man, they really take the wind out of your sails.

Case in point, observe my favorite developer compared to regular old Dektol: