I haven't logged in for a long time but I just posted to my blog a review of the new Ansel Adams book, "Making a Photographer: The Early Work of Ansel Adams." It's written by Rebecca Senf, the Chief Curator at the Center for Creative Photography.

I posted this notice on DPReview (sort of rolling my eyes as I did), then remembered that people here would be interested in Ansel!

O.K., I confess. I was looking at 4x5s on E-bay last night.....I'm back in control of myself now, whew!

It's long review but I hope you like it.

Here's what I posted:

My review has all the details at: https://www.abiggercamera.com/2020/1...pher-part-one/

I thought I'd write a few paragraphs but it just grew and grew--had to split it into two parts!

Basically, the book dives into the archives and goes over, in detail, Ansel's first portfolio. This isn't Portfolio One, as you might be forgiven for thinking, but something called "Parmelian Prints of the High Sierras" (sic). "Parmelian" is a made-up word--in 1927 using the word "photography" would have made the portfolio seem cheap. You may have heard of it before but here it is, every image and more.

Then the same detailed treatment is given a photo album Ansel made for a 1928 Sierra club trip. Every image, lots of discussion. He's trying to figure out how to sell his work, to dedicate himself full-time to photography. Probably some valuable life lessons in the book for current photographers!

The book also goes into his employment with the Curry Company in Yosmite and lots more.

First scholarly book on Ansel in a long time. If you want meat and not just pretty pictures (although those are here, too) check it out the review. It's about $35 on Amazon. It's a nice hardback. (I'm not an Amazon affiliate and there's no link to Amazon in the review--just go directly--thanks.)

Anyway, didn't plan on writing such a lengthy review but thought maybe some people here would enjoy it. If you do like it please repost wherever people might be interested in Ansel Adams.