I consider myself to be methodical, careful, and deliberate. I took a dozen or more shots of absolutely nothing, without film, in my living room, to make sure I understood the process of using a view camera, and had a repeatable sequence.

So far, out of 14 shots (I have got to get out more-- stupid pandemic and crappy Florida summer weather), 3 of them are near-total disasters and about half of the remainder are shots intended to evaluate lenses and technique, rather than actually being photographs I'd actually show someone.

I won't say I've *wasted* 14 sheets of 4x5, but it's 14 sheets with only a few that I'd be willing to show anyone else, and one of those was over exposed by *cough*... nearly 10 stops.

At $5-8 per sheet, I'd be terribly annoyed. At $1.25 a sheet (Arista EDU Ultra 400), I feel like it's been a good return on investment.