In a recent thread I asked for input on selecting a few lenses for architecture. Many professionals and near professionals took the time to contribute. I came to a conclusion to get only one lens for the foreseeable future - another 90mm to replace the Nikkor SW 90 f8 that I decidied to sell. The Nikkor 90 f8 was RAZOR sharp and in some ways hope to get another, (but brighter) lens that's just as sharp - although I know this may not be possible seeing for myself just HOW SHARP the Nikkor 90 f8 is.

Initially I decided to go with a bright Rodenstock 90 f4.5. But upon extensive research on this site and Photonet, I decided to seriously look into a Schneider 90 XL instead because of hints that the 90 XL outperforms the Rodenstock Grandagon 90 f4.5 and that the schneider too is a very sharp lens in comparison to the Nikkor. (It is a nice bonus that the 90 XL will cover 5x7 a tad better as well.)

I am familiar with it's drawbacks, including it's huge size and potentially more fragile physical constitution, etc.

Nevertheless, I would like to hear from experienced users of the Schneider 90 XL just how you would rate it's optical performance in terms of it's resolution capability (sharpness) and performance across the entire image circle in terms of sharpness and light fall off , particularly in relation to your other LF lenses such as the renowned Nikkor 90 SW f8 or the Schneider 110 XL.

Thanks in advance for any (hopefully experienced) input.