As I get into wet plates, I've been doing a lot of reading on various methods and recipes. I'm thinking I'll use John Coffer's Old Workhorse recipe, as it is used by someone I know in my area who also does wet plate, but while reading through the recipe for it I was given, I came across a few things that raised questions. According to the recipe, after stirring the bromo-iodized alcohol mixture into the ether-collodion mixture, the collodion will become cloudy, and I must wait 7-10 days before using it, but that it will clear within a few days. The recipe also states though, that cloudy collodion can be used without noticeable problems.

Here are my questions:

Should I wait until the collodion is clear to use, or until 7 to 10 days have passed, or both? If cloudy collodion can be used without noticeable problems, why is waiting important? Also, "noticeable problems" makes it sound like there are some problems, but if they aren't noticeable in the image, what are they?

Thanks for the help,