You really don't need a reducing back. I made an insert for 8x10 holder to 4x5 using black foam core. I cut a piece of it to fit inside the holder, and then cut a "window" out in the center that fits 4x5. I used tape to hold the corners of the 4x5, and use the 4x5 sized plug as the backer. I use 4x5 in the 8x10 (and 5x7) holders to take exposure tests and this works quite well. As for mother-n-law, I suppose nothing will help if she's hostile but really unless your kids are very young and get into things you shouldn't have a problem. I keep everything in sliding plastic storage drawers. Don't have kids around but I do have a cat. If you are going to practice using your bathroom or something be sure to put down plastic sheeting or something and remember to not touch anything such as door knobs etc. with gloves that have silver on them. You wouldn't believe how sneaky silver is when it comes to making a mess.

Kent in SD