I have a Gitzo from 1993 that is nice, but a bit heavy and with limited height.

Figured it was about time to find a modern tripod good for the next 25 years.

I'd like something light (e.g. carbon fiber), stable, supported (spare parts if/when needed), rugged (wind, snow, ice, salt water, etc). Load will be a Rollei 6008 MF rig, and probably a LF rig once I get that far (something appropriate for either field cameras, or a monorail that's light enough to take into the field). I'm guessing 10kg or so would probably be a good minimum load rating. As far as height, 150cm (59") minimum. I don't want a center column, just a spider on which to mount a ball head.

I've narrowed it down to either:
Gitzo Systematic line
Novoflex TrioPod/TrioPod PRO75
RSS TFC-24 Mk. 2

and wanted to ask for suggestions and experiences here from other users.

Pros, cons, things you would want different today? Any other brands/models I might want to check out? This is for general purpose.
