Thanks Oren -

Where might we find some data on the various Silver papers, their curves, etc ? The few articles that I have read, deal with films, and their suitability to the Pt/Pd process.

I imagine it gets fairly complex, when dealing with multigrade papers, but it strikes me as being more important than the study of film, since it's the final link in the chain, where the rubber meets the road (if you'll pardon the mixed metaphor and cliches).

I recently compared some Selectol-soft to Dektol. At first, I thought that the "softening" effect was merely equivalent to a change from a #2 to a #1 filter - until I made an image with the same paper, using Dektol, and a #1 filter. It is not the same: the distribution of tones is different, not just elongated. The Selectol curve, for that paper if I were to discover it, was a curve, not a straight line, and the aesthetic effect was quite different.

If others have already made some investigation, I for one, would love not having to repeat it !