Ive just seriously started using Ilford FP4 in both 4x5 sheet and 120 Roll Film but there is something niggling me about the results I am getting when using XTOL replenished.

For Roll film, I am using a Paterson tank (600ml) solution
For 4x5 sheet film, I am using the SP-445 (500ml) solution

For both of the above, I do 5 gentle inversions at the start and then 5 gentle inversions every minute.

I mixed this batch in October 2017 and made up 5 x 1 litre bottles. I use one of the bottles as the working solution and add 70ml from one of the other bottles after every roll film or 4 sheets of 4x5 film.

Development Times
This is where things start to be hazy as I cannot seem to find a good time. I have been using 8 minutes which were ok (ish) for scanning but seem a little flat for the darkroom and was having to use grade 4 at least to get the contrast to a starting point.

Do you use FP4 in this situation (XTOL Replenished in small tanks intermittent agitation) and what dev times seem to work for you. I appreciate we all have different systems and it's not a one size fits all but I am curious as to how close or far away I am at using 8 minutes.
