Hi everyone,

I wrote an email to Bill Maxwell about this and am still waiting for a response, but I figured I would ask the hive mind here for advice as well. I have a Hi-Lux screen that I bought in 2004 or 2005 for my monorail camera. Nowadays I mostly use my Ebony. I have the stock screen in the Ebony, and I find the Maxwell to be much better. I would have switched them right away, but the Maxwell screen was made for a Horseman 45LE, and unfortunately it is every so slightly wider, so it will not fit in the Ebony. With my caliper, it tells me that the Horseman screen is about 100.8mm wide, while the Ebony screen is 99.63mm wide. So, the Horseman screen could take about 1.2mm off, and it would fit the Ebony. I think it would not even affect its use on the Horseman, as there seems to be fairly ample room on each side supporting it. In terms of cover glass, I could just use the Ebony glass, as it is just a plain protective glass that already fits. Since the Maxwell screen is plastic, I assume it is not overly difficult to cut or sand, but it is not something I have experience with, so I figured I would ask. I live in Iceland, so sending it out to the US and back again is costly and time consuming. If this is something I can do fairly easily with sand paper or even a dremel, I might risk it. I did not want to do so until I had heard from people with more familiarity. I understand the screens and the fresnel markings are liable to be very fragile, so obviously care would need to be taken...

Any thoughts?