So much time has passed since I started the project I found on the internet, but ran out of money and boxed it up for "someday". That day is finally growing nearer. Concerning the Horseman 8x10 with the heavy rear L arm. There was a project on how the L arm was removed and the rear standard was attached more or less directly to the mounting block for the rear standard. Of course it eliminated any rear swings, tilts, or shifts; but it eliminated a ton of weight. Still quite a useful setup, although more in the field camera category.
But I haven't a clue where I found this useful and highly detailed modification plan the site poster did. I have no idea what forum I might have seen it on. Heck, it could have been 6 or more years ago. Time flies so fast when you get older. As I left the project, I had done the disassembly, removed the L arm, and was ready to have some mounting plates machined and threaded. But now the camera sits in pieces in the box I packed it in, and I want to finally get it out and finish the project.
Can anybody recall such a project, or where? Thank you.