Just a short additional note to my Post at #7 above, and further to Mr. Salomon's comments (whose info and opinions about anything Linhof should be considered definitive). My Master Technika Classic kit came with 3 lenses that included unique rangefinder keys, but (I confess) the few times I tried to use those lenses with my MT Classic's rangefinder I was underwhelmed by the experience. This, even though my 35mm Leica M and MF Mamiya 7ii cameras both rely on rangefinders for focusing. My several years of experience using my MT Classic has been with lenses spanning 75mm to the Fujinon 600T (which requires 39cm bellows draw for subjects at infinity), and using a focusing loupe on the ground glass to be sure everything is in proper focus while necessary lens movements are applied (sometimes significant). For my LF landscape photography I don't know why or when I would need to rely on the rangefinder feature of the Linhof MT Classic - but each to his/her own if it will help.