With LF I always compose under the dark cloth with both eyes but when using a roll film camera, which allows only one eye at a time in the view finder, I always use the left eye even though I am right-handed. The other day I was out with the P67II shooting a landscape image of Alameda Creek flowing to San Francisco Bay. I don't have bubble levels on the Pentax as I have on the LF cameras so its important to me to insure that the framing is level. I got it level using the left eye as usual but then, probably because I was set-up on an embankment that was slanted, I looked at it again with the right eye and the framing was tilted. If you look at an object and alternate between eyes, it "tilts" downward to the right when the left eye is open and back upward to the left when the right eye is opened. After a few iterations of this I settled with the left eye's view but I seem to recall a slight unevenness in some of the past results. Has anyone else noticed this?
