Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
Thanks for crediting me with good motives. You're mistaken. I offer gear for sale when I think that selling it will be good for me. I understand that buyers buy when buying will improve their situations, but I don't offer for items for sale out of concern for buyers welfare. I'm entirely selfish.

If you seriously think that the for sale forum is intended for exchange of information, you're unhinged. The for sale forum provides a venue for people who want to move equipment. The other forums are for serious discussions about equipment and technique.
You might be selfishly thinking of yourself only when selling equipment, the buyer thinks of his own needs and all are happy. The world doesn't turn around you only. As for the the exchange of information - I was reading the FS section mostly if not only for that and learnt so about equipment I didn't know. As I said - it's where the flow is, not on the other side of the village that FS items should be freely commented.
As for being unhinged - do you need to insult when you lack arguments?