I have just returned from two days in Death Valley with about 20 4X5 negatives which I am in the process of proofing. From past experience I expect I may have maybe two or three (at best) I want to spend time printing. I intend to go back in the next few weeks to try to improve the ones that are almost worth spending time on.

What I am wondering is what percentage of your negatives you find you want to spend time printing, toning, mounting etc. I think I am doing well if I have one out of ten I want to put in the time working on. And what to do with all the other negatives? The trash barrel? I have done that and later been sorry. But now I have zillions of worhtless nicely exposed negatives (is there a market?).

I'm sure those of you shooting 8X10 must have a much higher percentage of keepers. And 11X14? I would be terrified to expose that much film all at one time! I have nothing but respect and admiration for those of you working at the ulf sizes.

Just wondering