Yes, this is from a 4x5 negative that Ed sent to me.

I used the 4x5 negative holder.

I will have to check tomorrow to see if I put negatives in emulsion up or down. I did some tests early on, marked the carrier, and frankly no longer remember what I do.

I picked the red channel because Ed asked me to make the choice that would give highest resolution, and in my tests, that's the red channel. It's interesting that your tests show the green channel sharpest in your 1800f - if I am remembering correctly, the green channel is *least* sharp in my 1800f.

Hopefully Ed will weigh in with a response on Vuescan and sharpening. I haven't tried that software myself, although after corresponding with Ed, trying it is on my long, long, long list of things to check out. I agree that even when you specify no sharpening the Imacon software sharpens the bejeebers out of things.