Currently: Ilford Multigrade Classic FB - souped in Moersch 4812. This combo offers great D-Max and a brilliance which to me mimics the addition of a restrainer. Highlight protection achieved with Pyro developers for films. Also, Ilford Multigrade Warmtone FB - souped in Moersch SE-6. A bit counterintuitive...but gives me brilliance and depth - and a "KRST-ish" tonality.

In Another Life: The "Old" Oriental fiber (graded) - souped in sequence: first in Selectol, then Dektol - timing each to fine tune contrast. Amazing!
Also...the "Old" Agfa Portriga (graded) - souped in Dektol or LPD - for a "strident" (not mushy) warmth and tonal depth which remains unmatched...but I can get very close currently with the Ilford Warmtone/Morsch SE-6 combo.