With nothing better to do on a rainy day, I decided to try out my library's large format printer.

I cleaned up a scan of one of my 4x5 film negatives and brought it down to be printed.

I downsized the scan to 44" x 35" (the scan was 67" wide natively).

I am REALLY impressed with how well the print turned out. This was my first time printing anything this large and I was wondering how good it would look. The detail is amazing!

I've wet printed this image before in my juryrigged darkroom, but only an 8 x 10 image.

The best part about this is the price. My library only charges $5.00 per linear foot for any print. At 44" wide, I can make some LARGE prints now if I want to.

I can see that I'm going to start making use of this printer in the future.

Here is the 44" x 35" print.

First Large Format Print by Andrew Marjama, on Flickr

And here is the actual image I printed. Shot with my Zone VI 4x5 large format camera on Foma 200 film and developed in HC-110.

Life on the Edge by Andrew Marjama, on Flickr