My 57 Super Technika V set arrived last Saturday from Czech Republic. It is a beauty but of course the holders are 13x18. I don't have any problems with using 13x18 cm film, but the only emulsion available in the states is J&C 400. Does anyone know of other sources in the states? Shipping from Europe would be too expensive (I assume).

I have been reading through the treads and trying to determine the best 5x7 holder to purchase. I would opt for Linhof holders, but they haven't been manufactured for several years and don't appear on Ebay too often. No Toyo in 5x7. The Sinar holder is way out of my budget. So which one should I target? I have read that there are inconsistencies film register (depth) and this concerns me. I don't have a micrometer to measure them.

Bob Salomon has dated my camera from late 1966. As a result, the optical viewfinder is the earlier Schneider model from that period. The mask is "13x18". I noticed that the later model viewfinders have a mask stamped 13x18/5x7. I assume that the 13x18 mask is adequate since the dimensions are so close. The chances of finding a used "5x7" mask are very slim. In fact, not much shows up used for the 57 Super Technika V models (more for the III and IV). Are they somewhat rare?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.