I have noticed that my subjects tend to lead more and more to wider lenses for 8x10-deep woods shots, for example. So I am using a 150 or a 240 more and more.

Does anybody have experience with the Rodenstock's apo macro S 180mm f 5.6? Bob salomon says it has "just enough" coverage for infinity. Since it is designed as a macro, the image circle at 1:1 is 415mm, whopping big coverage for 8x10. My small Rodenstock 180 does not have enough coverage for 8x10. I forgot that and ruined a really good shot last month.

I have a Nikon SW 150, which is a really good lens, but it requires a Sherpa to bring it along.

Any lens that has a really small aperature is a real problem for us geezers. My f 12.5 Wollensak I call the Prince of Darkness. They are ok in bright sun, but very difficult in deep shade.

Any other lens choices in this focal length would also be appreciated.