Quote Originally Posted by blindpig View Post
Randy it's a good idea to have a shield over your flash gun,BELIEVE ME ! I had an assignment to photograph a coral group entertaining diners in a company cafeteria just before Christmas.It was myself and two assistants and I was using a 4X5 graphic with a flashgun attached.The assistants were holding extension flashguns connected to mine with cords,spaced about 8' to 10' either side of me and we all three were loaded with number 22 bulbs( about the size of 250 watt incandescent light bulbs).Everyone was enjoying their meals and the music when I attempted the shot...There was the sound a 12 gauge shotgun might make going off inside the room and the glass envelope of my bulb was describing an arc over three or four dining tables between me and the stage with glowing coils of filament streaming out behind.Needless to say the music stopped instantly as well as food being transferred from plate to mouth. Quietly, we gathered up our equipment and slunk out.By the way the picture was great.
Notice my cover. http://www.largeformatphotography.in...=1#post1239154