I bought a rare, new old stock deep recessed (deeper than standard 12.5mm recessed) Toyo field lens boad, undrilled, for my new grandagon 45mmm - against my better judgement I let a local camera repair guy drill a copal 0 for it. I got it back today and the hole was off center and not circular, like it was taken to by a hand file.

Basically it looked like it had been done by a monkey on day one of metal shop class.

Can a regular machine shop make this right? SK Grimes?

As far as local repair guy, it was through same guy who hooked me up with a new 45 Grandagon and new 65 Grandagon for about $300 apiece and save me about $100 on a set of toyo 45 holders, so am not going to request they "make me whole".

I'm just pissed because these deep recessed toyo field boards are rare!!