Point taken Drew...and I should amend by adding that the "ritual" is that which best helps the photographer to best connect with the subject/conditions at hand. So no, this is not fixed - aside from the technical necessities which need to be learned well so that they, along with the physical aspect of the camera, can virtually "disappear." Nor do I use scales. In fact, once I'm under the dark cloth, I don't even want to look at the camera. I want it to go away. But I do tend to chat with myself, either aloud or silently, during my "ritual," and I can see how counting turns on a wheel, while my gaze might remain affixed to the ground glass, might be useful - and in a way that would not necessarily interfere with what has, by then, hopefully become a connection significant enough to allow me to then see completely in both directions - from that which exists beyond the lens through to the final print. Then again, turning a wheel, I just might lose count!