Okay ... picture the scene, I'm finally learning about shooting colour - I thought I'd finally give it a try after years of black and white! I've decided on using Fuji Quickloads (got a stash of cheap film!). Following a posting a few days ago (by me) regarding the compatability of Fuji film in a Polaroid holder I decide to run my own "tests". Now, I'm familiar with the operation of Polaroid holders, so no real problem here. I order a Fuji Quickload holder (Mark II) to compare results. Holder arrives complete with padded case and instruction sheet in ... JAPANESE! I can sort of figure out what's happening - look at the diagrams! BUT I'm puzzled on a few things - HOW DO USE THE %$£*"%%^ THING!! I've trawled Fuji site and they have diagrammatic instructions for the older version but not this one! Can anyone help? I'm especially "foxed" by the little "lock" button on top right!! ANY help would be gratefully appreciated! (Knew I should have stuck to b&w!). TIA Paul