We seem to be getting a ton of spam posts lately from new users that seem on topic, but have a hidden link on the bottom of the post pointing to some strange webpage. Most commonly I have seen rockbullet (.tk) and a png file which doesn't show up, but I've also seen several other webpages.

I obfuscated the link above because I don't know what it is, so don't go there.

Here's an example - this person has been posting these type of posts for a few weeks now.

Notice their posts seem very topical and may even sound legitimate, but some aren't. Probably a fairly advanced bot using terms found on this forum or the thread to sound authentic.

Has this been noticed by anyone else? I reported one of them and it was swiftly deleted but I seem to see at least 4-5 posts from these accounts every couple of days.

Can the forum software delete a post and ban a user automatically if they post a certain string, such as these web addresses?