A silly question, I know, but I don't have the answer. I have been cutting up 10x8 paper to make 4x5 sheets that fit in a film holder. It's a bit tricky to do under a dim safelight (best solution as far as I can tell is to cut a thick cardboard template, draw round it in pencil and cut along the pencil lines. I tried a guillotine, but don't seem to be able to get proper rectangles due to the paper slipping as the blade comes down.)

I'm sorely tempted to do this with a 10x8 camera too. Does that size paper also have to be trimmed to fit in a 10x8 holder? One other question: does anyone know if paper (Ilford Multigrade RC) fits thickness-wise into Chamonix wooden holders? They have tighter slots than my old plastic 4x5 holders and I assume the 10x8 holders do too.

I know someone's going to say 'why not just use film?' I'm finding the process very soothing in that I get the joy of watching the image under a safelight, which is something I don't normally get to do with my hybrid techniques. The results seem to justify the bother as well.
