Recently, I had to make a choice between negative and reversal colour film for a project where the final output is digital. I read several threads about the pros and cons. I've been using both types of film, but am starting to show a decided preference for reversal for two very practical reaons that got little or no attention in the threads. I don't know if this is unique to New York, but I quickly discovered two things:

first, my lab will give me transparencies in two to three hours whereas negatives take 24 hours;

secondly, my lab charges three times as much for negatives and a contact sheet as they do for transparencies.

Given the nature of my project, it is very helpful to see the results of a shoot in a couple of hours rather than the next day. Also, I'm finding that the additional cost of doing a bit more bracketing with reversal film is minimal. When I use both types of film for a shoot, I've finding that my reversal costs are a lot less than my negative costs. I also like the fact that the transparencies are giving me a clear reference point from which to judge scans.